Young Actors Studio Membership Handbook
Communication and Conduct:

– We pride ourselves on being a close knit creative studio in which differences are praised. We are a place for young artists to experiment and explore safely to achieve greatness.
– While we recognize everyone has very busy schedules, it is important for members to communicate with the office when they are running late, going to be absent, etc.
-Guardians must text the office at (818) 210-3821 if a student is running is running late, absent, or needs to leave early.
– It is imperative that parents/guardians share with us any issues which may impact a member’s participation in training.
-We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, physical abilities, national origin, or on any other basis prohibited by law, is not allowed.
-While cell phones and other electronic devices are allowed during break and in the lobby, use of cell phones (or other electronic devices) inside the classroom is not allowed. If parents need to get in contact with a student, please text the office at (818) 210-3821.
-Students will respect the rights and feelings of others, and will refrain from any unwanted contact toward another.
-Whenever a student has a concern, they are absolutely encouraged to come to any Young Actors Studio staff member or to have their parent/guardian call or email the office.
-Students should refrain from wearing flip flops/sandals, and are strongly encouraged to wear attire that is comfortable to move around in (for example: jeans, sweatpants, leggings, pants, etc.).
Weekend Classes:

– Studio members can select to participate in Technique on either Saturday or Sunday (2:30PM-4PM); and script work from 4:30PM-6PM.
– Students indicate a day that they prefer to take weekend classes.
-Students can only make up excused absences; unexcused absences cannot be made up. All make ups must be made up within 30 days of the absence.
–Excused absences include: death or illness in the family, medical/dental/mental health appointments or related issues, work related (e.g. filming), and attendance or observance of any religious holiday. Parent/guardian must contact the office in advance (unless unable to because of an emergency) for an absence to be excused. Failure to notify the office about an absence will result in the absence being unexcused.